Returning Community Equipment: Help our local NHS and Social Care Services help others by returning equipment


Do you have community equipment that was prescribed to you with a Medequip label attached that you no longer need?
You can contact Medequip for a free and safe collection. Please call 01423 226240 or email

Why return equipment that is no longer required?
Local NHS and social care services lose thousands of pounds each year due to missing equipment. All items returned will be assessed, safety tested and either repaired and reused or stripped down for recycling.

Drop-off amnesty bin locations
Equipment with a Medequip label can be returned directly to any of the following drop-off points found here.  In our area, the nearest amnesty bin is at Penny Pot Lane Waste Recycling Centre in Harrogate. See the photo above to see what the amnesty bins look like for when you are dropping things off.

Here are the common pieces of equipment that you may have:

Wheeled adjustable frames

Perching stools

Raised toilet seats

Pressure cushions

Toilet frames


Adjustable walking sticks

Adult crutches


Grab rails

For more information about the Community Equipment Service please visit


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