
In response to local need, and the cessation of services from a separate organisation, Nidderdale Plus started a new befriending service in 2023.
Zoe Crossley is our Befriending Coordinator and she can assist people who are looking for a befriender, and also manages the recruitment and training of volunteer befrienders.  All volunteers are offered training and an induction pack to get them started.
We offer two types of befriending:
  • Face to face, where befrienders will visit befriendees in their own homes for a conversation and a cup of tea, etc
  • Phone befriending, where befrienders will contact befriendees by phone for a regular chat
Zoe is trained in how to match people successfully and offers support in the early stages of befriending, in the hope that people will continue to have a successful relationship once the direct support from us has ended.
If you would like to offer your services as a befriender, please contact Zoe at  All befriender volunteers are subject to a DBS check, owing to working with vulnerable adults, and Nidd Plus will carry this out.
We are very grateful to the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust for providing us with funding to help start this service.
We also use funds from the North Yorkshire Council “Staying Healthy, Independent and Connected” grant scheme to assist with the costs of delivering this initiative.  Many thanks to NYC for this.