Community Groups & Organisations

The Nidderdale Plus Partnership works with any voluntary or community organisation that may be looking for support or advice as their group develops, is seeking funding or wants to work in partnership with others.

Funding advice: If you are seeking funds for a project, get in touch and we can talk through your project plans, assist you with identifying any funds that might match your project aims, and will work with you to complete applications to funding bodies if required.

Click here to find out about the Nidderdale Plus Community Fund.

Community Arts and Organisations

The Nidderdale Arts Partnership aims to create a vibrant arts sector by supporting arts organisations and groups and is a forum for individuals, businesses and community groups to share information and support. Contact us for details.

You can download a list of gallery spaces in the region by clicking here.

Pateley Makers Yard - King Street Workshops

Bringing together a small group of highly-talented and skilled craftspeople who design and make their exclusive pieces in the Old Workhouse, Pateley Bridge. See also No 6 Studio at the Old Workhouse (on Facebook as ‘Number 6 Studio Gallery Pateley Bridge’) for exhibitions and art courses.

Pateley Bridge Art Club

Meets monthly at Glasshouses and has an annual programme of speakers, workshops, exhibitions and trips.
All welcome – Pateley Bridge Art Club – Facebook

Nidderdale Arts Bus

Coordinated by Nidd Art Trail, the bus travels to galleries and exhibitions in the north throughout the year.
Visit for more details

Nidderdale Museum

A fascinating and friendly museum housed in the Old Workhouse, Pateley Bridge with 11 rooms depicting the rural life of Nidderdale in the recent and more distant past. Run entirely by volunteers.

The Nidderdale Community Orchestra

Meets weekly during term-time (Tuesdays 6.45 to 9 pm at Nidderdale High School during term time) and was supported in its set-up by Nidderdale Plus. Come and join this all-age orchestra, whether you are a regular player or wanting to dust down your musical instrument after a few years break!

Banding in Nidderdale

Summerbridge and Dacre Silver Band promotes brass band playing – new members, including children and young people, welcome.

Nidd Chorale

Chamber choir performing locally on a regular basis, music including secular and sacred works from the Renaissance to the present day. Althea Smith

Nidderdale Messiah

Annual ‘come and sing’ Handel’s Messiah that raises money for local charities. Details:

Pateley Bridge Dramatic Society

Presents several productions each year in the delightful 73-seater Playhouse, a converted chapel.

Nidderdale Writer's Group

Meet regularly in Pateley Bridge and offer a warm welcome to anyone interested in writing – contact Lesley Pemberton on: 01423 712063

Nidderdale Community Choir

Meets every Thursday during term time at the Pateley Bridge Methodist Hall 7 to 9 pm.
No audition required. We are a friendly community group who just enjoy singing.
Find us on FACEBOOK at:

The Vale of Nidd Masonic Lodge

Meeting 2nd Thursday of the Month – Installation May – Recess August
Visit for more details.

The Nidderdale Society

Discover the fascinating history of how the landscape has been developed over the centuries by the people working in it. Learn more about the local agriculture, mining, quarrying and textiles, the political power of the monasteries and natural resource of the River Nidd. This is a complex historic environment with a great variety of man-made landscape features to complement the natural flora, fauna and countryside which give the area such character. Nidderdale Society | A Fascinating History

Community Sports Organisations

Sport Nidderdale aims to maximise the contribution which sport and physical recreation make to active lifestyles and health and to ensure that more people in Nidderdale want to play sport and can and do play sport. It is a network of local sports organisations that receive regular newsletter updates regarding events, funding and networking opportunities.

Nidderdale Pool and Leisure Centre

Gym, pool and fitness classes set in a beautiful location. For timetables and prices:

Adult Learning Organisations

The Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) has a Nidderdale Branch, run by volunteers, who help set up courses for local people. Current courses include bird watching and yoga. Visit for details.

Outdoor Organisations

Nidderdale National Landscape – an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

visit for details about the work of the AONB team and opportunities for volunteering in our beautiful environment.

Iron Age Nidderdale

Community archaeology group based in Dacre, exploring the historic workings of this area from Iron Age to Medieval remains. Details: Iron Age Nidderdale Website 


Glasshouses and District Gardening Club

A local enthusiastic group meeting regularly with speakers and organised trips. Further details:

Friends of Pateley Bridge Cemetery

A volunteer group overseeing the upkeep and well-being of this beautiful ancient cemetery and St Mary’s churchyard, looking down on Pateley Bridge.  Contact Nidderdale Plus for further details.

Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue Association

Covering Nidderdale and surrounding dales, this team of volunteers deal with both surface and underground rescues and are always on call. For information: