
Mind in Harrogate District offers an outreach service in Pateley Bridge at the Nidderdale Plus Community Hub. The aim of this service is to improve and facilitate local access to information, advice, support and training opportunities via a weekly mental health hub. Mind in Harrogate District are a local independent charity and are part of the national Mind federation. Based at the Acorn centre in Harrogate they deliver a variety of services to support mental wellbeing.
They offer one to one appointments to provide mental health support and advice as well as information on mental health training and education. A Community Development Worker is available at Nidd Plus on Tuesdays. Appointments are available between 10.00 and 12.00 and can be arranged directly (see contact details below). Flexible packages of mental health awareness and education sessions, as well as formal Mental Health First Aid training, are also available to the Nidderdale community as part of Mind in Harrogate’s support for local businesses, organisations and schools.
In addition to delivering a mental health support programme from the Acorn Centre that includes arts and crafts, music, walking, mindfulness, relaxation and more, some groups and activities are also available to access online. Furthermore, they are aiming to consult with the community about local need and identify gaps in service provision or areas of unmet need with a view to developing additional groups/activities to take place at Nidd Plus, working in conjunction with the Route 1 to Wellness partnership (Claro Enterprises, Orb Community Arts and Wellspring Therapies).
Other services available through Mind in Harrogate District include telephone support 01423 503335 (8.30am-5pm weekdays), a mental health befriending service and access to affordable counselling services which are accredited by the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Finally, as a small local charity they are always looking for new volunteers and fundraising opportunities. Volunteering has been shown to benefit both the volunteer and the recipient in terms of their overall mental health and enables individuals to make a real difference in their community.
For more information or to make an appointment please contact: Kirsty on 07305 049296 or email kirsty@mindinharrogate.org.uk Or for more information on the full range of services and opportunities please visit: www.mindinharrogate.org.uk