Nidderdale Plus Community Fund

The third round of funding for the Nidderdale Plus Community fund opens Monday 27th January. The closing date for applications for up to £2000 of funding will be 24th March. See below for how to apply.
Set up by Nidderdale Plus in February 2022, Nidderdale Charity Shop sells second-hand clothes, bric-a-brac, household goods, books and other items. The proceeds from all sales are used for two charitable purposes:
- To provide a grant fund each year—The Nidderdale Plus Community Fund–to which Nidderdale and Washburn Valley charities, groups and other not-for-profit organisations can apply to fund revenue activities and capital projects that are needed in their community.
- To help fund the charitable activities of Nidderdale Plus Community Hub, such as: Community Transport service; Meals on Wheels service; Minibus Days Out; Digital Champion service and our Befriending project.
You can see the grants award awarded to date in the table at the foot of the page.
Please see the information below the table for how to apply to the Fund and the criteria. The link to access the form, which is at the bottom of this page and is hosted by Two Ridings Community Foundation, will open in February each year. If you would like to discuss a possible application before applying, please get in touch with the hub by emailing or calling us on 01423 714953.
Nidderdale Plus Community Fund
Grants Awarded in Round 2, May 2024
Grant Application | Project Summary |
Dacre & Hartwith Village Hall | A new carpet to enhance the committee room area for existing users and hopefully resulting in additional hirers |
Dacre Banks Bowling Club | Replacement wooden edging, roller and sprayer to maintain bowling green, serving current and new members |
Dacre Tennis Club | Purchase of a powered sweeper to maintain new artificial tennis courts |
Darley Cricket Club | Team shirts, kit, equipment and training costs for a new junior cricket team |
Glasshouses Cricket Club | New cricket nets and returning the scoreboard to use |
Highside Playing Field Association | Contribution to site improvements and sports equipment to increase revenue potential |
In Harmony Choir | Contribution to ongoing project costs of venue and choir leader fees to keep subscription fees down for choir members |
Kirkby Malzeard Mechanics Institute | Renovating unused outside space into a community social space. |
Nidderdale & Pateley Bridge Men’s Shed CIO | Funding to cover exceptional unexpected costs from NYC and increase in utility bills |
Nidderdale Fell & Trail | Branded start and finish funnel and flags to annual 10k event |
Nidderdale Young Farmers’ Club | Contribution to costs to keep club subscription affordable for local young farmers |
Pateley Bridge & Upper Nidderdale Bowling Club | Funding for window replacement costs for the club bowing pavilion |
Pateley Bridge Dramatic Society | Contribution towards essential safety curtain to enable Playhouse performances |
Warsill Gardening Club | Funding towards two trips for a gardening club serving local older people |
Warsill Parish Hall | Funding towards legal costs to set up local village hall as a community asset and CIO |
Grants Awarded in Round 1, November 2023
Grant Application | Project Summary |
Dacre Banks Bowling Club | Improving the quality of the bowling green to maintain wellbeing, exercise and enjoyment of members and recruit future members. |
Dales and Bowland CIC | To enable the continued provision and promotion of Bus Service 24 between Harrogate and Pateley Bridge on Sundays and Bank Holidays throughout the year. |
Darley Methodist Church | Funding towards cushions and curtains to make a community venue in a rurally isolated area more cosy. |
Hampsthwaite Women’s Institute | Contribution towards the Hampsthwaite WI Christmas meal, encouraging community and reducing isolation. |
Markington Memorial Institute | Replacing 10 village hall tables to improve disabled accessibility, modernise the hall and increase usership. Tables will fold and be easier for groups to use. |
Nidderdale & Pateley Bridge Men’s Shed CIO | Upgrading men’s shed electrics to enable more people to safely work together during sessions and reduce risk of turning people away. |
Nidderdale Allotment Society | Physical improvements to an allotment site to improve water supply and manage rats and rabbits: improving wellbeing of allotment holders and site productivity. |
Nidderdale Community Choir | Funding to buy sheet music for rural, local community choir, supporting them to keep their subscriptions at an affordable level for those in receipt of state pensions. |
Pateley Bridge & Bewerley Memorial Hall | A new projector to support the groups and activities at the memorial hall. Usage includes community film nights which help reduce loneliness and contribute to hall sustainability. |
Pateley Bridge Junior Football Club | Request to subsidise club subscription fees (to cover pitch hire) so as not to disadvantage / exclude families on lower incomes and to give time for other fundraising efforts. |
The Blue Book | Funding towards the printing and distribution costs of The Blue Book to support people with dementia providing useful information regarding support and activities available to support individuals and their families. |
How to Apply to the Nidderdale Plus Community Fund and Criteria
What type of activity can be funded?
Local not-for-profit groups can apply
- to run activities and services,
- to cover essential running cost such as utilities, rent, core staff, insurance, etc,
- or to cover the costs of small capital schemes.
We would particularly like to receive applications from organisations who are addressing the following:
- promoting wellbeing
- fostering independence
- cultivating a sense of belonging
- community energy projects
We will give priority to applicants that:
- can evidence demand,
- are working with people who need extra support to stay independent and well.
We will support and consider applications only from groups working in, or for people living in Nidderdale and the Washburn Valley as indicated on the map on this page. We also expect that applications should reflect the concerns and priorities of the target beneficiaries and fit well with existing community services/activities.
The Nidderdale Plus Community Fund is keen to support community inspired and led projects, activities, schemes and events which help to demonstrate how a small investment can make a big difference to the local community.

Who can apply?
Grants from the Nidderdale Plus Community Fund are targeted at small voluntary and community groups and charities (annual income less than £200k) and other types of not-for-profit organisations with charitable aims, where a small amount of money can make a significant difference.
How to apply
Ensure you are eligible (full eligibility criteria can be found at the link given below, or by picking up a paper copy at the Community Hub), and that the fund is currently accepting applications.
- Complete the online application form on the Two Ridings Community Foundation website:
The online application process is straightforward, as it provides applicants with the ability to dip in and out of their application saving changes as they go. Support is also available from the Foundation to assist applicants applying in this way. If required a paper version of the application form is available on request from the Foundation.