Merry Christmas and Let’s Hope for a More Settled New Year


We though COVID was bad enough, but now, the current cost of living crisis seems to be almost as bad. And as a busy community hub and Community Supporrt Organisation, we have been at the sharp end of things now for almost three years.

However, Christmas gives us the opportunity to take some time out, relax and spend time with friends and family and look forward to a new year and new opportunities.

We would like to thank all our wonderful volunteers, whether they are drivers, charity shop volunteers, library volunteers, meals on wheels volunteers, front desk volunteers, vaccination marshals or digital champions for the amazing work you do for the community and the time you give to help others. We simply could not do what we do without you!

We would also like to thank our wonderful board of trustees, who give us so much support, and so much of their expertise and time. The hub’s activities have grown again this year, taking on the charity shop and the minibus, and it is the trustees we have to thank for taking such bold decisions for the benefit of the Nidderdale and Washburn community.

We wish all Nidderdale and Washburn residents a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and don’t forget we are here to help or point you in the right direction if you ever have needs.


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