Our First Impact Report, Now Published!


It has taken several months of hard work–surveying local people, collecting data, analysing statistics and putting together content and photos–but we are now very proud to have published our first ever impact report for the last financial year, 2023-2024.

The Report is entitled “The Difference we Make in our Communities”, and the whole report is aligned to our mission statement: We promote wellbeing, we foster independence, we cultivate a sense of belonging. To read the report in full click here, or you can find the report on the home page of our website.

For charities such as Nidderdale Plus, making sure we are responsive to local needs is our number one priority and we always welcome feedback on our services and suggestions for service development. So please do get in touch with us if there is something you would like to feed back to us.

We hope you find the Report an illuminating and interesting read and will share onwards as you feel is useful. Many thanks go to all the volunteers and staff team here at Nidderdale Plus, and especially Tracey Dawson, who was instrumental in all data collection and qualitative surveying.


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