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New North Yorks “Fire Risk and Resource” Plan: Your Views Sought


North Yorks Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Zoë Metcalfe,  is considering proposals from the Chief Fire Officer for North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service’s new Risk and Resource Model. This sets how the Service would seek to use its people, equipment and resources to reduce and mitigate risk across the Service area.  It will ensure that our firefighters and staff are in the right place at the right time to deliver the right and most appropriate service, with the right equipment and skills in the best possible way. 

She would like your views on the proposals before making a decision on whether to implement them. You can find the survey via link below.

Risk and Resource Model 2022-25 Consultation (

The consultation will close at midnight on 14 August so please do have your say before then. If people would like a hard copy of the survey, contact 01423 569 562 or email


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