Let’s all play our part in supporting the NHS this winter


Health and care services across Humber, Coast and Vale Health and Care Partnership, which includes hospitals, GP practices, the Yorkshire Ambulance Service, local authorities, mental health, community services and social care providers, are asking for your support as we begin to head into what is likely to be the busiest and most challenging winter the NHS and care teams have faced.

Our health and social care services are seeing unprecedented increases in the number of people needing help. This means services are dealing with a huge increase in the numbers of people accessing care, whilst, in many cases, operating with significant staff shortages.

Here are some simple steps we can all take and help our NHS overcome a winter like no other.

1. Health and care services are there to help. Save time by booking appointments and seeking medical advice online via the NHS App or by contacting your GP using the online form available on each practice website. There is a Health A-Z at www.nhs.uk/conditions/ with useful information and advice on common conditions. You can also visit your local council website to find out more about how you can receive the early help or care you need.

2. ‘Talk before you walk’ by going online to www.111.nhs.uk or calling NHS 111 if you do not have internet access before attending your local A&E.

3. Health needs that are not a life-threatening emergency but are urgent include severe pain, suspected broken limbs and stomach pains. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, the friendly teams at NHS 111 will be able to help. If someone has a life-threatening illness or injury, then 999 should always be used.

4. Jabs and testing are our way out of the pandemic. Life-saving vaccines and regular testing are the best way to protect everyone from COVID-19. Please ensure you have your second dose and have your flu jab if offered.

5. Get a COVID-19 test if you have symptoms and please don’t visit a healthcare setting (GP practices, pharmacies, hospital) if you have symptoms.

6. If you are concerned about your or someone else’s mental health you can get help on the NHS website. If you are worried about a vulnerable child or adult, you should contact your local council.

7. Continue to be kind to our staff and each other. This includes helping us by socially distancing where possible and wearing a face mask in healthcare settings.

We want to thank the NHS, care teams and volunteers who continue to work hard during the busiest time on record and to everyone living across our region for your patience and kindness.


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