Citizens Advice service now available in Nidderdale


From 12th November 2020, Nidderdale Plus is launching a new Citizens Advice service in Nidderdale. This will operate during lockdown

Owing to COVID, the service will be delivered via a live video-link using a dedicated Chromebook.  

If residents have issues concerning the following areas: debt; housing costs; employment rights; benefits; consumer issues; immigration, etc, please get in touch with us via email, or telephone 01423 714953, and we can set up a time for you to come in to talk, live over video-link, to a Citizens Advice advisor.

If your issue is urgent or on a tight deadline, you can always call the Citizens Advice local helpline:  0300 3309 036, which is open 10am-4pm Monday-Friday. 

Harrogate District Citizens Advice also has an excellent website where many of your queries may be able to be answered just from a search on their site:  

Please note that we are a COVID secure premises, and during the video-link consultation, you will be in a secure room, where you will be able to hold a conversation in confidence.  Masks need to be work on entering and leaving Nidd Plus, but in the consultation room, you will be able to remove your mask to speak freely to the advisor via the live video-link.


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