Are you on the Priority Services Register with your energy supplier?


What is it?

The Priority Services Register (PSR) is a free service which gives you extra help and keeps you safe. This could be if there was a power cut or an interruption to your gas supply, or if you need larger print bills, someone to read your meter more often, or specific support when dealing with your energy supplier.

Who is it for?

You are eligible for the Priority Service Register if anyone in your household meets any of the following criteria:

–Pensionable age

–Disablility or chronic illness

–Dependent on electricity for medical reasons

–Long-term medical condition

–Hearing or visual impairment or additional communication needs

–Is in a vulnerable situation

–Child under 5 years old

How to sign up

You can apply by contacting:

1. Northern Gas Networks/Northern Powergrid



Call 0800 040 7766, option 3 – please provide the code 006 if asked. If you do not have mains gas your information will just be held by Northern Powergrid.

2. Your Energy Supplier

You need to ring your energy supplier and ask them to put you onto their Priority Services Register. If you have two different suppliers then you will need to call both. You will be asked a series of questions regarding your circumstances and health conditions so they know how they can best help you.


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