It was with great sadness that we heard at on Friday 26 April of the sudden death of Katy Penn, who had been a much loved member of staff at Nidd Plus from 2008-2017, and who had done so much for Nidderdale during her time here as Partnership Manager.
Katy had died of a heart attack when visiting her daughter in France last week. We know that she touched the lives of so many people in Nidderdale and contributed so much to our community. We will be writing more about Katy’s time here and her achievements over the coming days, but just wanted to pass on this very sad news for now.
We will have a book of condolences at Nidd Plus if you do want to come in to write a few words about Katy. Our intention will be to send this to her family in a few weeks time. We do not know yet of any Celebration of Life services that may be held, but will pass this information on as soon as we know when and where it will be.