Exercise Classes Available On Line During Lockdown

We asked local people who normally offer exercise classes in our area to let us know details of what they are offering on line at this time. We asked people to respond by the Easter weekend. Below are details from those who have responded so far. If you are offering exercise classes on line at this time, please get in touch with us at admin@nidderdaleplus.org.uk and we will be glad to add you to this list.

1. Joanna Boyes – Pilates

The classes are live through zoom. The app zoom is available for free and can be downloaded onto laptops, mobile phones, iPad, tablets.  The classes are £8 for access to all classes Mon-Fri–normally £8 a session. Free for those that are affected financially as a result of Covid 19.

Class timetable 

Monday 7.30pm beginners to intermediate 

Tuesday 3pm beginners and older adults

Tuesday 6.15pm beginners to improvers

Tuesday 7.30pm advanced 

Wednesday 7.30pm improvers 

Thursday 7pm improver to intermediate level

Friday 10.00am improvers to intermediate level

Please contact – Jo 07712 453348;  joanna@nidderdalefitness.com

2. Helen Pope – Yoga

Classes are via the Zoom online platform and more information can be found at https://www.facebook.com/helenpopeyoga/ or by contacting 07950 528625;  helenlouisepope@gmail.com

Class timetable

Mondays 7.30 pm – 20th April to 11th May

Wednesdays 10 am – 22nd April to 13th May

3. Phil Knight – Yoga

Online classes at a reduced rate (£5) or free to those who have lost their income.

Class timetable

Monday  9.30 am and 12.30 pm

Thursday 9.30am  and 7.00 pm

These classes are live and interactive – Interested parties should email: Knight941@btinternet.com or text 07890 236203

4. Sue Beever – Yoga

Sue says: “I have been videoing classes and uploading them onto YouTube. It’s a private channel but I’m happy to share the videos with anyone who’s interested in taking up yoga or practising along with me. All I ask is that people who are interested send me the email address they use to login to YouTube, then I can give them permission and links to my classes. Just helps me keep track of who is following my resources, so I can respond to any queries and gather any feedback. Email : suebeever@gmail.com” 

5.    Harrogate Borough Council – Brimham’s Fitness

Missing the gym and need an exercise fix?

If so, here’s something just for you. Our Brimhams fitness team is continuing to run free online live workouts on their Facebook page and via Zoom to help keep you fit while you’re staying safe at home. Details of all the classes are on the Brimhams Fitness Facebook event pages.
Previous home workouts can also be found on the Brimhams Facebook home workouts video playlist.

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