Are you eligible for a “Home Upgrade Grant”?


Home Upgrade Grant (HUG) funds insulation for households who own or rent their homes from a private landlord (subject to landlord permission).

The following types of insulation are available:

  • Loft Insulation and Draft Proofing
  • Cavity Wall Insulation 

To be eligible ALL of the following criteria apply:

  • the total household income must be less than £30,000* annually
  • a property will have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of E to G (in some cases D rating is allowable).
  • live in the council areas of Harrogate, Craven or Selby 

If the property does not have an EPC please get in touch (details below) and Better Homes may be able to arrange one, if all the other eligibility criteria is met.

  • All grants are subject to a home survey and confirming eligibility. 
  • Working with City of York Council and contractor Heat Insulation

To apply or for more information email: or contact Better Homes on 0800 597 1500 or Heat Insulation on 01482 588591


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