What to do if your energy supplier goes bust


Warm and Well North Yorkshire are offering this advice to people who are concerned about their energy supply, given the recent news about companies going bust.

  • Customers will still continue to receive gas or electricity even if the energy supplier goes bust. Ofgem will move your account to a new supplier but it may take a few weeks. Your new supplier should then contact you to explain what is happening with your account
  • While you wait to hear from your new supplier: check your current balance and – if possible – download any bills; take a photo of your meter reading
  • If you pay by direct debit, there is no need to cancel it straight away, wait until your new account is set up before you cancel it
  • If you are in credit on your account, your money is protected and you’ll be paid back. If you were in debt to the old supplier, you’ll still have to pay the money back. The new supplier should contact you to arrange a payment plan
  • Once you have been informed of your new supplier, make sure you’re on the best tariff for you. You can switch if you’re not happy with your new supplier or tariff without any penalties, but don’t do this until the account has been moved over.
  • If a client would like more information and support please refer to Warm and Well on 01609 767555 or complete the online referral form on their website www.warmandwell.org.uk

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