NiddArt Trail 2021, online and live, starts 1st August


The NiddArt Trail of local arts and crafts that takes place annually in Nidderdale every August is going online through its website throughout the whole month, and with open studios taking place between 20th-30th August.

The NiddArt Trail shows and exhibits images from local artists, craftspeople and galleries in Nidderdale and surrounding areas. 

On ‘Yorkshire Day’, 1st August, the on-line art trail exhibition is launched. This format has proved successful and this year individual exhibitors will make their own decision whether they are comfortable to open their premises to visitors.

This year the organisers decided to leave the theme to the individual artist.

There is some interesting work in various mediums in oil paint, photography, water colours, ceramics, glass, embroidery, woodturning and much more. The styles are as varied be it naturalistic or abstract. Please contact us via the NiddArt website.


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