The challenges for residents of maintaining health and wellbeing in the current environment of challenging health budgets, an ageing population and increasing levels of mental health and stress are well known.
All these issues become magnified in rural areas, owing to: lack of transport, rural isolation (often leading to loneliness), and lack of access to public services in general, amongst other issues.
As the community hub supporting the Nidderdale and Washburn areas of Harrogate, Nidderdale Plus is hosting for the first time:
Nidderdale Health & Wellbeing Fair
Saturday 12 October
Pateley Bridge Memorial Hall, 10 am-12 noon
This represents a perfect opportunity for your organisation to reach out to rural residents in the Harrogate District to let them know what your organisation can do and how you can help. If you are involved in health and wellbeing in its widest sense and are:
- A statutory body providing public services to residents
- A local charity or group offering a specific health/wellbeing service
- A local club, group or society offering activities to promote wellbeing
- A local Church helping local people
…….You should be there.
Spaces are free, all you have to do is to get in touch with Helen Flynn at Nidderdale Plus, using the contact information below to book a space.
For more information, or to book, email:,
or call 07789 173011
We look forward to hearing from you!