Health and Wellbeing Fair brings a whole host of services and charities to the dale

We are very much looking forward to hosting the first Nidderdale Health and Wellbeing Fair on Saturday 12 October at Pateley Bridge Memorial Hall. The event will run from 10 am- noon and is free to attend. Refreshments will be on sale, including teas, coffees and home made cakes.

It is a chance for local people to find out more about the health and wellbeing services and activities that are available in the dale. The list of attendees so far is below, but more may be added as we get closer to the day. If you have transport needs please call 01423 714953, and we can arrange for our community car to get you there and back again

Nidderdale Group Practice

Harrogate Hospital, including the cardiac nurse team

Home Instead

Action on Hearing Loss

Harrogate and District Diabetes UK

Dementia Forward

Prostate Cancer UK

Youth Mental Health First Aid (Save the Children)

Connect to Wellbeing (HBC)

Ripon and Rural Befriending Service

Harrogate and Ripon CVS

Vision Support Harrogate

MIND in Harrogate District

Carers’ Resource


Well and Warm North Yorkshire

Dancing for Wellbeing

North Yorks Youth

Yorkshire Ambulance Service/Community First Responders

Citizens Advice

Men’s Shed

Nidderdale AONB

Community Fire Safety

North Yorkshire Police

Pateley Bridge Pharmacy

Christ Church Community Centre Darley

Pateley Bridge Memorial Hall

Community first Yorkshire

White Rose Beauty College Health and Wellbeing Practitioner Courses

…….and Nidderdale Plus Community Hub!


We look forward to welcoming you to the event on 12th October.






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