Have your say about transport in North Yorkshire


Transport–or the lack of it– consistently comes up as the number one issue in Nidderdale amongst residents. North Yorkshire is now asking people their views on transport so that it can develop its next Local Transport Plan (LTP). The LTP is a landmark document that will guide the Council’s future approach to all forms of transport, so local input is really important.

The current plan needs updating because the way people travel has changed since the Covid 19 pandemic, government policy has shifted, and electric vehicles have become more popular. 

The Let’s Talk Transport survey will help the Council understand the issues in your local area. There also will be a formal consultation later, where the Council will be inviting comments on the draft plan. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to have your say on transport in North Yorkshire. You can fill in the survey on line here:


We also have paper copies at the hub and Charity Shop in Pateley Bridge that you can fill in to take part in the survey.


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