Have you received scam mail, and want to fight back? Become a Scam Marshal today……


A Scam Marshal is any resident in the UK who has been targeted by a scam and wants to fight back and take a stand against scams.

Scam Marshals do this by using their own experience to talk to others about scams in their community or by sending any scam mail that they receive to National Trading Standards (NTS) Scams Team. This can later be utilised as evidence in future investigative and enforcement work.

Becoming a Scam Marshal can be very rewarding and fulfilling work:

  • Saving money
  • Improving your own self-confidence
  • Reducing the temptation to respond to scams
  • Increasing awareness of scams
  • Educating and helping others
  • Assisting with investigations

If you would like to be part of this award-winning initiative, please visit here to find out more and register.

For a useful booklet about scams that builds awareness of scams, and how to respond to scams, click here.


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