Don’t miss out on the right to vote in the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner election on 25th November

Everyone registered to vote in the Harrogate district will be able to have their say in the election for the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner on Thursday 25 November.

If you are not currently registered to vote, or you have moved to a new house recently and are not registered at your new address, it’s not too late. The deadline to register to vote is Tuesday 9 November.

Like the elections in May, Harrogate Borough Council (HBC) are putting in place measures to ensure all polling stations are Covid-19 secure so that you feel safe and reassured when going to vote. Your poll card, which will arrive in the next couple of weeks, will tell you where your polling station is. You can also check using In My Area on the HBC website.

If you feel uncomfortable visiting your local polling station, we encourage you to apply for a postal or proxy vote instead. You can download an application form from the HBC website. However, the application form must be received by 5pm on Wednesday 10 November for a postal vote or 5pm on Wednesday 17 November for a proxy vote.

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