Community Message from North Yorkshire Police

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The community is working hard to coordinate volunteers to help the elderly and vulnerable who are in self-isolation due to the coronavirus.  Unfortunately there are people who may try to exploit this to steal from the vulnerable.  There have been reports in the media of this happening in other parts of the country.  Do not allow strangers into your house and do not give your money to stranger offering to buy supplies.  If you have any doubts about someone offering to help do not let them into your house and call someone you trust for advice.  If a stranger is on your doorstep and you suspect they may be trying to trick you call the police using 999.  Do not open the door.

North Yorkshire Community Messaging (NYCM) is managed by North Yorkshire Police.  The official website is which will allow you to sign into your account to change your delivery method preference or locations of interest. It also contains a FAQs section, which may assist with any queries you have.

Links and attachments:  North Yorkshire Police will only ever link you to secure web-sites we trust, we will only send you attachments where we believe it is absolutely necessary.

If you need to contact North Yorkshire Police please call 101 or in an emergency dial 999.  Alternatively please email any non urgent enquiries to:


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